Thursday, October 8, 2009

Climb every mountain

One of the things I want to do before I die is climb a mountain barefoot. I think Brokeoff will be the one...the trail is pretty smooth the whole way. (well, untill the last 1/2 mile or so) I did not climb it barefoot this time, but I did climb it in my pumpkin pants. They are traditional mountain climbing wear. I once climbed Lassen in a blizzard while wearing them. They've been special to me ever since.

I climbed it with a wonderful group of believers. This group of lovely people have a been a huge encouragement to me in the past, and have pushed me to walk even closer with God. I thank God for these people, and the strategic placing of them in my life. Climbing a mountain with them was a BLAST!! I thought I would write a bit about each of the people that I've been close to for long enough to feel a bond as with a brother or sister...

First there is Sandy, she is awesome, and we've been close as sisters since 7th grade. We've been through thick and thin, and all I can say is that Sandy is pure gold. She has gone through a lot, and come out with a smile, and a heart totally dedicated to Christ, not to mention a brilliant sense of humor, and a "trudge" that beats all trudges. :-)

Then there is Jesse, and although he can not recite the first verse in Genesis properly, he has a wonderful knowledge and grasp on the Word. He doesnt just read it, he lives it. He is someone willing to sit with you and discuss the Word untill 3 in the morning on the step of Baskin Robins. And he is one willing to go to China and serve our brothers and sisters there, even when the world does not welcome him. Plus now he has a beautiful girlfriend (Mallori) who I dont really know all that well, but from what I do know, they will push eachother even closer to God. That is awesome.

Then there is Billy. I havnt known him as long as the others, but he is a huge encouragment to me, and especially our little Sat. night Bible study. His desire to know Christ, and follow what He wants, and walk in His ways is contagious. Billy is a quiet leader with a heart in God's hands. What a blessing. (Plus his little brother Colton just gave his life to Christ...YAY!!! PARTY!!!)

And of course there is Stephen. Stephen is my blood brother, fellow cross country runner, fellow "hey lets go do something stupid in the name of fun" guy, and all around cool...maybe a little strange, but hey, so am I. Stephen is not afraid. The world doesnt have its grip on him, and he desires to do the will of the Lord, regardless of the way it looks. His bucket list is rediculously cool. Stephen is the guy I can go on long hot runs with, and talk about theology the whole way. Then I pray for him as he shoots around the world spreading the Word.

The rest that came, that I didnt mention, are those who I dont really know yet, but am exited to have them in my life and find out what they are like, and how we can pick eachother up, and put eachother at the feet of Christ.

So anyways, we went and climbed Brokeoff, and it was such a beatiful day! A bit cold and windy on top, but that is what huddles are for. We huddled up and praised the Lord together. That does an awesome work on my soul. I ran most all of the way down, and was actually slightly sore. What a nice feeling!!

If you are in the area, please let me take you up this mountain. It is something you will love!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hey hey good lookin, whatcha got cookin?

Howdy y'all! Here's whats been cookin' in Lolo's kitchin as of late.

The other day I was noticing some nice jalapenos just hangin' on the bushes turnin' red, and I thought to myself; (please read with southern drawl) "Why, Self, ya oughta make yerself some dang good jalapeno poppers."

So I picked a bunch, washed 'em, de-seedified 'em, cut 'em long ways, and set 'em aside. Then I took some cream cheese, some grated cheese, and some freshed pressed garlic, and smooshed it all up together. Then I set that aside too. Then I got me some bacon right outta the fridgerator, and I cut em all in half (not long ways, the other way), and then I set them aside. Then I grabbed a tooth pick, and started chewin on it. Then I grabbed some more and set them aside too. Everything was just setting there...aside. So I took a half o jalapeno, and put some of that good cheese mix in it. Then I wrapped it all up in a half piece of bacon, and stuck a tooth pick through it all to hold it all together. I did that to all of em. Then I put 'em on a cookie sheet, and put that in the oven for a while. Them there were GOOD! But I was thinkin' that maybe next time I oughtta put a little cayanne pepper into the cheesie mix to spice it up a little. (you can stop with the southern drawl now)

So after that cooking experiment, I was feeling like I should probably work on making healthy food items that dont have 5 million calories per serving. So I started getting into some more healthy recipes. The weather cooled down really nice for me, so I made a couple batches of whole wheat bread. YUM! I like to substitute the sugars for things like honey, rice syrup, or even a little bit of splenda. I use way more whole wheat, and way less white, and I usually throw in a little extra oatmeal, and sometimes raisens for breakfast bread.

I also made some whole wheat tortillas! They were super easy, and super yummy, and super healthier than the ones you buy. All it was was 2c. whole wheat flour, 1t baking powder, some salt- mix that all up, then add 2T. Olive oil, and mix it in really well, then add warm water untill it forms a ball. Then knead it about 12 or 15 times, let it sit about 15 min, then break it into 10 or 12 balls, roll them into circles, and stick them in the skillet untill they are barely cooked. Then I put them in a ziplock bag, and then in the fridge. They are really good, and you just pull them out, brown them, and load them up as a wrap, or a quesadilla, or taco, or whatever! I have to say, though, that if you want to be a pro tortilla maker, you have to watch "Texas Ranch House" and pay close attention to the cook. He's a pro, and my tortilla makin' inspiration. Plus he makes really good chili.

I also experimented with some whole wheat chocolate oatmeal cookies, and the turned out pretty good! They are great hiking buddies. If you want any of these recipies, I will try to write them out for you. (I dont much use them, but I could at least give you the general idea of things)

Mmmmm, I also made a delicious apple pie, that was in no way, shape, or form healthy. (other than the apples of course)