Wednesday, February 24, 2010

lacing up the saucony hurricanes

And so I embark on yet another grand adventure. This one is a relay race- 50k- with my friend Stephen Ferguson. He will run half, and I will run half...(16.5 miles) It is exactly 2 months from today. Today I put in a nice 40 min run on hilly trails. It was pretty mucky out because of yesterday's rain, so my pace was slowed a bit because of that. I felt great and had plenty of energy left when I got back. I had a nice salmon sandwich on wheat bread for lunch. It hit the spot!!

Also- I am almost done writing Romans! I am on the last chapter, which I will (Lord Willing) finish today. I am planning on doing 1,2&3 John next. What an amazing blessing this has turned out to be!!

Also- Shaun has been here for the past month-ish, which has been awesome! We've never spent this much time together, and it has been really great. We've gotten a lot of stuff done around the ranch, and he has gotten to know my wonderful Grandparents (mom's side) quite well, as he stays with them at night. He is an encouragement to me, and although I beat him in the card game speed ALL the time, I still like him quite a bit ;-) hehe

Oh, and speaking of wonderful grandparents, my other wonderful grandparents (dad's folks) have been having a rough week, and I would really value your prayers for them. My grandma is only 39, how cool is that!! ;-)

AND!! My sister is coming home for the weekend!!! YEAH!!! I hope that us crazy sisters (one of whom is airborne) can go night skiing this Sat. with Lee and Shaun! (and anyone else who wants to tag along)

Monday, February 22, 2010

I left the Rock

Dear God, its been a while since we've had a little talk
Cause Lord, I've stumbled on my walk
Father, I'm sorry, I left the Rock
Doubt began to fill my mind, my flesh reached out for sand
I thought to know the sand might make the rock mean more
But now I'm face down of the floor
Father, help me, Ive never needed you more

I looked for the sand, but found it not
I began to confuse it for the Rock
At first the sand was deep and the rock has no resemblance
So I struggled through for a little while
Then washed by a wave, turned hard as tile

It felt great! Another wave, another day, a farther mile...
I lost the Rock

Under my feet were such different things,
They must have lost their feeling.
What is the sand, what is the Rock,
I found by searching I know them not!

So Savior, hear this pitiful cry
Have mercy on this hypocritical child
And please give me what I deserve not,
And place me back upon the Rock.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I'm being a lame blogger!

I need to blog more- end of story. I have thought about it many times BUT it is not the thought that counts in a case such as this. So I will quickly update y'all on my life. I moved to Elk Creek, California (10 miles from it rather) in November. I live on a 1500 acre ranch called the Grindstone Partners Ranch. It is in a beautiful area southwest of Red Bluff. It backs up to the Mendocino National Forest, and is bordered on one side by the Grindstone River, and another side by Watson Creek. I live in a double wide shaded by two big oak trees, with big windows that look west towards the mountains. I care for the ranch, and a herd of 130 shorthorns. Every day I feed them 2,000 lbs of hay that I haul on the back of an old army jeep. My two dogs, Calamity Jane, and Dolly Parton tag basically I take redneck to a whole new glorious level. I have connected with the community there in Elk Creek through the little Bible Church there in town. They decided to give me a Sunday school class, and I thought "well neat, I can be used of the Lord for me of these kids", and so I said yes...and then they gave me 5th grade through 12th!! WOW!! So I do need prayer. I love those kids. The oldest is 11th, the youngest is 5th grade (who I had the pleasure of leading to the Lord last summer!! cool deal there!) Pray for open hearts for the Gospel...pray that I may be a vessel for God's glory. In all honesty, I feel pretty inadequate... We are going through Genesis. A lot of these kids have never even heard the stories there- like the story of creation, and Adam and Eve...and it is fun to witness the first hearing of those stories. I hope these kids take the truth. I pray for them, and I hope you will too! My latest adventure is that I am going to write (as in copy down) the Bible!! My grandpa Person inspired me to do this...amazing man! I started in Romans. It's amazing how much I pick up when I not only read it, but write it. So anyhow, pardon the poor writing, I hope that I can update this more often, and write better things and such. Uh...that's all folks!! Good day.