Friday, February 12, 2010

I'm being a lame blogger!

I need to blog more- end of story. I have thought about it many times BUT it is not the thought that counts in a case such as this. So I will quickly update y'all on my life. I moved to Elk Creek, California (10 miles from it rather) in November. I live on a 1500 acre ranch called the Grindstone Partners Ranch. It is in a beautiful area southwest of Red Bluff. It backs up to the Mendocino National Forest, and is bordered on one side by the Grindstone River, and another side by Watson Creek. I live in a double wide shaded by two big oak trees, with big windows that look west towards the mountains. I care for the ranch, and a herd of 130 shorthorns. Every day I feed them 2,000 lbs of hay that I haul on the back of an old army jeep. My two dogs, Calamity Jane, and Dolly Parton tag basically I take redneck to a whole new glorious level. I have connected with the community there in Elk Creek through the little Bible Church there in town. They decided to give me a Sunday school class, and I thought "well neat, I can be used of the Lord for me of these kids", and so I said yes...and then they gave me 5th grade through 12th!! WOW!! So I do need prayer. I love those kids. The oldest is 11th, the youngest is 5th grade (who I had the pleasure of leading to the Lord last summer!! cool deal there!) Pray for open hearts for the Gospel...pray that I may be a vessel for God's glory. In all honesty, I feel pretty inadequate... We are going through Genesis. A lot of these kids have never even heard the stories there- like the story of creation, and Adam and Eve...and it is fun to witness the first hearing of those stories. I hope these kids take the truth. I pray for them, and I hope you will too! My latest adventure is that I am going to write (as in copy down) the Bible!! My grandpa Person inspired me to do this...amazing man! I started in Romans. It's amazing how much I pick up when I not only read it, but write it. So anyhow, pardon the poor writing, I hope that I can update this more often, and write better things and such. Uh...that's all folks!! Good day.

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